DGME W2 Online: Check Now! Dollar General Employee Portal

How do I get my 2024 W2 online from DG Paystub porta? Dollar General’s current and former associate Form W2 is available on their DG payroll website, which requires a login to display your online W2. Below, I’ve shared a quick guide to getting a former employee’s W2 online.

Are you not sure where to log in for DG Me W2 online? Dollar General employees have the approval to access their W2s online without permission. You need login details for the DGME employee access portal (https://websso.dolgen.net/ssoa/default.aspx?siteid=72).

The DGMe login payroll software is designed only for their authorized staff. So, make sure that you are a Dollar General member. Further valuable guides are given below.

What is W2? Put, “Employers create a tax and wage statement and give to their employees that summaries employees earnings and taxes withheld for the previous tax year“.

Before logging in, you should Remember!

  1. Check the spelling and spacing of your login credentials.
  2. Passwords are case-sensitive, before typing your password check the Caps Lock key.
  3. Always try to log into the secure device using a fast internet connection.
  4. Check your Internet connection and refresh the page if the issue persists.
  5. If you are using the shared/public system, don’t save your login details, and remember to log out of your profile.

How do I access my W2 from the DGME Paystub Portal?

Is it your first time logging in to the Dollar General employee W2 system? DG typically allows employees to access their paystub, W2, timesheet, and work schedule from a single system (DGME).

It would be best to navigate the official portal and access lots of information, including your W2.

  • Open the DG employee login page (https://websso.dolgen.net/ssoa/default.aspx?siteid=72) to check, view, download, and print your DG employee W2 online.
dgme w2 online
dgme w2 online
  • Verify your authorization by entering your Login ID, initials, and password.
  • Hit the Login button.

If the submitted credentials are correct, get ready to access your available W2 online.

Official WebsiteClick Here

Dollar General W2 Benefits for Employees

  • Social Security and Medicare contribution
  • Automatic tax deductions
  • Professional development and training
  • Perks
  • Health insurance
  • Paid Time Off
  • Retirement plans
  • Simplified Tax Filling
  • An essential document for income verification
  • Social Security and unemployment benefits
  • Consistent pay, legal protection, and more benefits.


The Dollar General W2 online service is fast. Employees can access their digital Form W2 independently from the Dollar General Employee Access Portal. Do login quickly, if have any confusion about its official website, sign-in process, and all, look at the above heading where I mentioned a step-by-step login guide.

I hope you will get what you want. Thanks for reading this. May I fulfill your requirement using this article? If you have any queries, please contact your HR team or line manager or comment below. I’ll try to give a possible solution.

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